Eighth Prenatal Appt

39 weeks pregnant and baby boy is still hanging out in my womb.  I was sure he would be here by now but he has surprised me and has gotten comfortable. My visit was short and sweet and blood pressure, measurement and his heartbeat checked. I was reminded that if I felt anything remotely close to possible labor coming on, to call so that they can come.  They would rather be here for a false alarm than it be true labor and have to tell me what to do over the phone as they come.  I told her that I would call because I don’t want to deliver this baby without them. Now just waiting for him to make his entrance.

Yesterday I had two dreams that I had to deliver him by myself. It was crazy but really cool.  I told my midwife that when the baby is coming out I want to assist in pulling him out.  She was fine with that my hubby on the other hand is grossed out at that thought.  Either way as long as it can be done I will be doing it.

Since going this route for childbirth I have done quite of bit research and I hope to share that info in subsequent blog posts. I hope that what I learned will help other woman make informed decisions. I don’t think I know all there is but I do feel I informed myself with enough information to make the best choices for me and my family. 

Many people have questioned my choice while others are excited and impressed by my homebirth decision.  For those questioning it let me just say this; I didn’t go into this as a fad or something new to do. I made this decision after careful research and my decision isn’t based on this being a great experience for me. I believe this is what is best for both me and my baby.  For those who think I’m so brave and are fascinated let me just say I’m not brave just doing what I feel is best.  I’m scared like anyone else concerning childbirth.  I think of all that can go wrong with all that goes right in a homebirth.  I am also worried about the pain because I’ve had an epidural for my other births.  The only difference is that I know that this time there is no backing down and I am praying for supernatural strength from God. 

I think every pregnancy and birth experience is unique and we all have to do what is best for us. I just want woman to equip themselves with enough knowledge to not just settle for what they are being told.  I think of my nephew ,Antonio, had my sister settled for what a doctor told her concerning a possible birth defect he wouldn’t be here. But he was born perfectly normal. This goes for doctor’s wanting to induce for reasons that really are not life threatening. Make informed decisions for your life and that of your child.  OK my rant is over for now lol.

So as I wait for our new bundle of joy to make his entrance I think I will start blogging on the information I learned. I hope it will help those who read this and make them research even further. 

Love from the concrete jungle….

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