Day 1: Blog-tember Challenge

Brave Love Blog

I decided to do this blog challenge this month to keep me posting more and because it seems like so much fun. I am a day behind but hope to keep up with this daily.

Sept 1st: Imagine the front sleeve of a hard cover novel. Give us your “About the Author” so we can get to know one another, and for fun tell us what your imaginary novel would be about.

Here is a little about this lady behind the blog.

I am thirty something (and not disclosing more than that age wise) mom to three boys and wife to a wonderful guy for the last ten years. We moved to New York 3 years ago and it has been a roller coaster of ups and downs since we got here.  Although we have had some crazy situations happen since we got here the best part of all of this craziness is the growth in my relationship with my hubby and they fact that I have two new babies. I went from difficulty of conceiving to oops we are having another. Our last little guy proved to us that when God is in control things will happen when he wants them to. I also had my third baby at home and that was an amazing and life changing experience.

I took up blogging as a way to keep my friends and family updated on our lives here and also because I love to write and share my views with anyone willing to listen read. I secretly hope to write a book and get it published but that involves sitting down and doing it and currently with three boys and working full time it has to wait.

The most important thing about me is that I would not be who I am without my savior Jesus Christ. He is my everything and the one constant that gets me through all of what life throws at me.

If I were to write a book it would be loosely based on my life because I really think a few of the things I have been thru would be viewed as fictional if I didn’t experience it first hand.


Love from the concrete jungle

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