Florida here we come!

  Crazy that in just a few short weeks we will be back in Florida. I’m excited for our new adventure but sad we are leaving the concrete jungle. I really do love all that New York had and still has to offer but it just wasn’t the same without our family here to enjoy it. I know a lot of my friends that are living away from their families and are making it work but I have realized I need to be close to them. We have friendships here we will miss and memories that will forever be etched in our hearts but it’s time to go back to our family.

Before I leave I think it would be best to list what I will miss living in New York. 

  1. The change of seasons especially the fall. The brisk air, beautiful scenery and how it just makes every holiday feel right.
  2. The ability to walk to the store and get things instead of driving everywhere.
  3. My kids being exposed to the culture rich areas like museums, fairs and parks.
  4. The pizza and Italian ices 
  5. The pumpkin patches             
  6. Snow (sounds crazy but it’s going to be missed)    
  7. Getting on the train to go in the city
  8. Our neighbors 
  9. Friends from church
  10. The corner store
  11. The 99 cent store
  12. The daycare my youngest boys have gone to they both have been there since they were both 3 months old so they have become family.

But most of all our apartment we have lived in for the past 4 1/2 years because it has brought us so many blessings. I gave birth to our last boy in this place and they have taken their first steps here.  My oldest started school here and my hubby and I grew here. We work as a team now and have learned to count on each other for so much.  


Leaving New York is so bittersweet. I’m going to miss it terribly but I’m excited for what the future holds. I’m embarking in a new journey of homeschooling and starting a business venture that both scares the crap out of me and excites me. I’m ready and I can’t wait to share what I can with you all as we move on to our next adventure.
So farewell concrete jungle and hello humid but sunny Florida.

Love from the concrete jungle…

    Day 8: Music

    Sept 8th: Music that moves you. Are you a Spotify addict or a Pandora guru? Tell us your favorite artists/stations!

    I love music. I am pretty eclectic when it comes to my music choices but for the most part I listen to praise and worship. I understand how music can influence us and I prefer to keep my focus on my Creator. Now don’t get me wrong I will from time to time listen to other music because like I said I love music. Currently my middle son is very big into music so much so that he will go onto our phones and got to the YouTube and app and finds the songs he likes. Please understand he is only 1 ½ and navigates the phone like nothing I have seen before. His collection is probably better than mine. His current favorite is a Black Eyed Peas song and he will perform the whole video for you! That boy is amazing.

    I use Pandora for the most part when it comes to listening to streaming music but I normally just listen to what I already own. My favorite stations on Pandora range from Hillsong to Bachata artist. I have just about every station genre.

    Jamming in the concrete jungle…

    Day 6: Life as usual

    Sept 6th: A “currently…” post. Tell us what you’re loving, hating, reading, eating, etc.

    Currently I am super busy trying to get into the routine of being a mom of three boys. It has not been easy going back to work while my boys are in daycare and school. My dream and vision would be to be a stay at home mom or even a work at home mom is fine with me. I just miss being with my crazy and wild boys. I just keep reminding myself this is what is necessary for now and to enjoy the moments I do have with them.

    I’m loving the fact I am successfully breastfeeding, with the inability to do it the first time, the fact I can makes me so happy. I don’t mind giving them formula if I have to, but I Iove the moments I have with my baby boy. It is just awesome and I know I will have a hard time when I have to give it up. So I am just holding on to these moments; however long it lasts.

    I also love the fact that I was able to give birth at home. It was a wonderful experience and I wouldn’t trade for the world. Was it painful…YES but childbirth is and I just had to literally and figuratively push through it.

    I hate that insurance companies won’t cover homebirths and now I have to fight to get the money owed to the wonderful women who helped me.

    Really to sum it up I am just trying to find my groove since going back to work.

    Love from the concrete jungle….

    My Posts Lately

    I am so bummed and upset. My computer did not send my draft for Day 5 and 7 so I only have Day 6 and 8. I really can’t stand when things like this happen. Day 5 was a great post and I can’t even remember half of what I wrote so instead of trying to catch up I am just going to post the ones that saved and start from today on. Enjoy the post I was able to salvage and what I will write in the up coming days.

    Love from the concrete jungle…

    Day 4: Fashion Trends

    Sorry that I haven’t been doing the challenge every day as I had hoped but my laptop has decided to bid its farewell and so the only place I can do this on currently is my phone. And honestly it is not the same and extremely time consuming. So it has taken me quite some time to get these posts out.

    I am already a week behind so I am going to do my nest to catch up.

    Sept 4th: Pick a fashion trend you love and a fashion trend you hate. Win us over!

    If throwing your hair in a messy bun and making sure what you are wearing is not covered in spit up then yeah my fashion expertise is just not there. I envy those moms who seem to have it all together with their fashionable outfits and their kids all dressed cute and here I am hoping my kids don’t look like they have been fending for themselves for quite some time. I just don’t know how they do it but they do it and so I know it is possible just trying to figure out how I can. The crazy thing is I really enjoy fashion not as much as my best friend Lina who I am sure could spout of designers and latest fashion trends as easily as I could spout of my go to baby items. I just can’t find the time for it with my busy life and lack of funds.

    I have decided that this year I want to take better care of me and get back into looking like a woman not just a mom. With that being said my go to fashion trend for the fall are scarves. I love that you can wear them all types of ways and the different fabric choices and colors well they just make me happy. They are a great finishing touch to an outfit and depending on how big they can also be a great cover for this breastfeeding mama. Then when I think of my kids I’m loving handmade items from the leggings, to harem pants, hand-printed tees, moccs and head wraps. I have become slightly obsessed with Instagram shops and have found some great items from some great moms. Makes me want to get back to my creative roots and contribute to this wonderful world of moms supporting moms. Who knows maybe in a year or less I will be selling my handmade items for others to enjoy.

    As for what I don’t like well that would have to be see through leggings. I don’t want to know what kind of underwear you are or are not wearing. It’s just gross and really not appropriate attire. I understand they are comfortable but they also make leggings with thicker material and listen here shirts long enough to cover your hiney so let’s be wise when wearing such item.

    Trendy love from the concrete jungle…

    I also have included some of the shops I am in love with below so feel free to check them out. I have tons more but these are the ones I currently have purchased from or am going to purchase from soon.

    IG name:                                website:

    HauteandDapper                     hauteanddapper.storenvy.com

    RiverBabeThreads                  riverbabethread.bigcartel.com

    Sewittybittydesigns                 Sewittybittydesigns.storenvy.com

    Shop Jumping jack                 Jumpingjackjack.etsy.com

    Bannor toys                             Bannortoys.com

    Little adventures apparel    etsy.com/shop/thelittleadventures

    knit3purl3shop                       Knit3purl3.com

    Swanky shank LLC               swankyshank.com

    Shop_tknd                            thekidsnextdoor.etsy.com

    Day 3: When I grow up…

    Sept 3rd: “When I grow up I want to be….” Feel free to answer as your 5-year-old self or as of now.

    When I was 5 years old I wanted to be a teacher and mom. I remember playing school with my sister and teaching her the ABC’s. I would then go home and take care of kids(dolls) and of course I was married to a famous movie star.  As I grew up that desire slightly changed to lawyer because according to my family I was a natural at winning an argument or at least trying to. It’s funny how when each year passes your view of what you want to be changes. I eventually went to college unsure but still went in the direction of teaching but I’m still not teaching. There are days that teaching is what I can see myself doing but then there are days where I can only see myself staying home with my boys. Everyday changes for me but my  dreams and life aspirations remain somewhat constant. Some of my biggest dreams and ideas of who I want to be when I grow up are a doula, midwife, singer, dancer, teacher, writer, SAHM, small business owner and not necessarily in that order but I want to do so much. I learned though being any of those things without Him are futile and not filled with peace or joy.

    I have placed my dreams and aspirations in God’s hands these days because I really don’t want to just exist in this world but I want to leave a footprint that others will still see when I am gone. If that footprint is in the hearts of my boys and they then affect the lives of others so be it. I just don’t want to live in the what ifs or what could be or even what I think should be. I want to live in the now and listen to the voice who called me to greatness. To be ready to change the my profession with what fits me at each moment of my life. Today I work at a lab while being a mom and wife. Tomorrow who knows but the one thing I do know is that any and every opportunity I’m given I will do my best. I also know that the dreams I’ve been given will come to pass I just need to be patient and trust that the work He is doing in me is not finished. Right now I am where I need to be and I still have time to become so much more.

    Side note: I like to see what my oldest son will say when this question is asked of him in a few years because as of right now he wants to be a zookeeper.

    Growing up in the concrete jungle…


    Follow my blog with Bloglovin href=”http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12725799/?claim=f6t866eh5we”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin

    Day 2


    Sept 2nd: Write about what makes you happy, from the little joys to the huge game-changers.

    I am caught up…lol I know it was only a day but I hate being behind on things. So day 2 is about the things that make me happy from the simplest of things to the major things. Here it is my happy list…

    My hubby
    My boys
    Hearing my oldest and middle son play with each other
    Waking up to kisses from my little ones
    My baby’s breath…May seem strange but it just does
    Pumpkin Spice lattes
    New pens
    Being able to breastfeed
    Traditions for the holidays
    Worship music
    My nieces and nephews especially my little girls who have overcome so many obstacles
    My Goddaughters
    Group Me messages with my close friends
    Text messages from my friends
    A new purse

    I could go on forever but I will end it there. Ultimately my friends and family make me the happiest because well they are just pretty darn awesome!

    Love and Happiness from the concrete jungle…



    Day 1: Blog-tember Challenge

    Brave Love Blog

    I decided to do this blog challenge this month to keep me posting more and because it seems like so much fun. I am a day behind but hope to keep up with this daily.

    Sept 1st: Imagine the front sleeve of a hard cover novel. Give us your “About the Author” so we can get to know one another, and for fun tell us what your imaginary novel would be about.

    Here is a little about this lady behind the blog.

    I am thirty something (and not disclosing more than that age wise) mom to three boys and wife to a wonderful guy for the last ten years. We moved to New York 3 years ago and it has been a roller coaster of ups and downs since we got here.  Although we have had some crazy situations happen since we got here the best part of all of this craziness is the growth in my relationship with my hubby and they fact that I have two new babies. I went from difficulty of conceiving to oops we are having another. Our last little guy proved to us that when God is in control things will happen when he wants them to. I also had my third baby at home and that was an amazing and life changing experience.

    I took up blogging as a way to keep my friends and family updated on our lives here and also because I love to write and share my views with anyone willing to listen read. I secretly hope to write a book and get it published but that involves sitting down and doing it and currently with three boys and working full time it has to wait.

    The most important thing about me is that I would not be who I am without my savior Jesus Christ. He is my everything and the one constant that gets me through all of what life throws at me.

    If I were to write a book it would be loosely based on my life because I really think a few of the things I have been thru would be viewed as fictional if I didn’t experience it first hand.


    Love from the concrete jungle


    The Homebirth Experience

    I know few of you have been asking about my homebirth experience and though I was hoping to write sooner just wasn’t possible.  Having three kids is no joke, add the fact that two of them are little guys and you have one tired mom who just wants to sleep.

    My new baby boy is already two months old and I’m just now writing his birth story.
    The night before I went into labor I had no idea it would be happening since I wasn’t having any pain. On Sunday morning I woke up with some cramping but thought I just had to use the bathroom but the pain didn’t go away. I knew that I needed to keep track of this pain so I used an app on my phone to count my contractions. After about 10 to 15 minutes of keeping track, my app said to go to the hospital.  I figured this would be a good time to call my midwife. I told my hubby it was happening and he began cleaning up our house and getting the pool ready. I called my midwife and she asked that I call my doula so she could better gauge the severity of my contractions. She told me she would be ready to go once my contractions were closer. I called my wonderful doula Simone and she came within a half hour of me calling her.  As soon as she got to my house she began assisting me with the contractions because they were starting to get painful. Within about an hour or so the contractions were closer and more intense and so we called my midwife.  She informed us that she would be dropping off her dog and heading to my house. The fear was that she may run into traffic because she was coming from Manhattan and the Puerto Rican parade was going on. We hung up with her and the other midwife called me to let me know if the urge to push came and Carol was not there to call her and she would talk us through it all until Carol got there. Thankfully we didn’t have to worry about that.  The birth assistant got to my home first and within 15 minutes or less Carol, my midwife arrived.
    My cousin also showed up a little after for support. We decided to get in my birthing pool to help with pain management. It helped but my contractions were still painful. Carol asked if she could check how far along I was and she did and told me I was only 8 cm dilated so I would need to hold off on the urge to push for just a bit.  The pool eventually became irritating and I wanted out. I literally felt like if I stayed another minute I would submerge myself until I drowned. So I got out and my midwife suggested using her birthing stool. As I went to sit down I almost died because it was so painful and uncomfortable.  I couldn’t even sit when I was in the pool. I told Carol that it was not going to happen, she later told me that if this had been my first birth she would have really been adamant with me staying on it. Since this was baby number 3 she knew I could tell what I needed. I found myself kneeling and squatting next to my sofa.

    The urge to push began and I began to do just that. In one of my pushes, I broke my water and Carol said it would be a short time from that point. She was correct within 15 to 20 minutes I was pushing out my son. He was perfect!

    My baby boy




    Now let me give you some information concerning my homebirth synopsis. What was I thinking?!?! Lol but seriously this was a very difficult process. Once my contractions started they never seemed to stop. Yes, they were painful but I got through them with the help of my doula Simone! Doulas are a great help and they provide the support you need when you need it. The birthing pool helped tame my contractions but I just couldn’t stand being in there the whole time. My hubby really wanted me to have the baby in there and when I was getting ready to push outside of the pool he kept asking you sure you don’t want to go back in. I think my look let him know my answer. Now since my prior births entailed epidurals I was completely unaware on how much it hurt when they check to see how dilated you are.  Thankfully she only checked me once and I was 8 cm but it felt like she was going to rip him out of me. Epidurals really mask a lot of the pain and the process of childbirth. I always heard people mention the ring of fire that woman feel when pushing out the baby but never felt it until now. Yeah so burning is not even the word it was more like an inferno and I wasn’t sure I would be able to push him out. I was screaming it burns only to be met with replies of yes I know it does but keep pushing. Umm, how about you get me to the hospital and we just cut him out because this is crazy. I literally closed my legs even though his head was coming out because it was painful. I came to my senses and continued to push and he came out!
    I didn’t cry seeing him and I felt the urge to but I was so exhausted that all I could do was just admire him. This process was difficult because of the pain but otherwise it was great.

    The experience of not only giving birth completely natural and at home cannot be fully explained in words. It was an awesome experience that I would totally do again. The ability to just hold my baby as soon as he came out and have him still attached to the placenta without rushing to remove it or clamp his cord was beautiful. I laid on my sofa with him on my chest and just couldn’t take my eyes off nor let him go. When I felt the urge I pushed out the placenta and we then clamped it and my hubby cut the cord. My midwife eventually convinced me to give him to daddy so he could be weighed and I could shower. To think I was in my own house with my things and not getting upset if I forgot something because I was home! My boys got to see him after and I could relax on my sofa or my bed. These simple things made this experience worth it.

    Lastly, I have to say thank you to those who helped. First and foremost my hubby who although was not crazy about the idea allowed his suddenly free-spirited wife to have a home birth. He not only got everything together but helped with our other boys’ too and he was just amazing! Love you, babe. My midwives even though only one of them was present for the birth they both have impacted my life beautifully. They have made me realize what an amazing woman I am and I can do just about anything. Carol and Shar I am so very grateful to you both and I am so glad you wanted to work with me. Midwifery Care NYC rocks! My doula Simone, who having this be her first homebirth, did awesome. You provided the support I needed and learned in the process. My cousin Cristy who didn’t think I would call her for my birth. Thank you for being there and not only offering your hand so I could squeeze but helping document the process. You saw it all (literally). And finally, the wonderful family that stayed with my boys and also helped me after, Angie and Myriam. You guys have been such a blessing to our lives and I am so grateful for the love you show my boys!

    Sorry, it took so long to write and if I missed anything inquiring minds want to know just leave me a comment and I will answer. I am not shy about this experience or my breastfeeding journey so ask away.

    Love from the concrete jungle…

    Those who would like to help our family out with prayer or financial support please click here.

    Here are links to my doula and midwives if you are in the NYC area.
    Simone Toomer

    Midwifery Care

    Eighth Prenatal Appt

    39 weeks pregnant and baby boy is still hanging out in my womb.  I was sure he would be here by now but he has surprised me and has gotten comfortable. My visit was short and sweet and blood pressure, measurement and his heartbeat checked. I was reminded that if I felt anything remotely close to possible labor coming on, to call so that they can come.  They would rather be here for a false alarm than it be true labor and have to tell me what to do over the phone as they come.  I told her that I would call because I don’t want to deliver this baby without them. Now just waiting for him to make his entrance.

    Yesterday I had two dreams that I had to deliver him by myself. It was crazy but really cool.  I told my midwife that when the baby is coming out I want to assist in pulling him out.  She was fine with that my hubby on the other hand is grossed out at that thought.  Either way as long as it can be done I will be doing it.

    Since going this route for childbirth I have done quite of bit research and I hope to share that info in subsequent blog posts. I hope that what I learned will help other woman make informed decisions. I don’t think I know all there is but I do feel I informed myself with enough information to make the best choices for me and my family. 

    Many people have questioned my choice while others are excited and impressed by my homebirth decision.  For those questioning it let me just say this; I didn’t go into this as a fad or something new to do. I made this decision after careful research and my decision isn’t based on this being a great experience for me. I believe this is what is best for both me and my baby.  For those who think I’m so brave and are fascinated let me just say I’m not brave just doing what I feel is best.  I’m scared like anyone else concerning childbirth.  I think of all that can go wrong with all that goes right in a homebirth.  I am also worried about the pain because I’ve had an epidural for my other births.  The only difference is that I know that this time there is no backing down and I am praying for supernatural strength from God. 

    I think every pregnancy and birth experience is unique and we all have to do what is best for us. I just want woman to equip themselves with enough knowledge to not just settle for what they are being told.  I think of my nephew ,Antonio, had my sister settled for what a doctor told her concerning a possible birth defect he wouldn’t be here. But he was born perfectly normal. This goes for doctor’s wanting to induce for reasons that really are not life threatening. Make informed decisions for your life and that of your child.  OK my rant is over for now lol.

    So as I wait for our new bundle of joy to make his entrance I think I will start blogging on the information I learned. I hope it will help those who read this and make them research even further. 

    Love from the concrete jungle….

    Those who would like to help our family out with prayer or financial support please click here.